Somebody named "blackblog" left the following comment on YouTube to my music video "Protocols". YouTube has a limitation on how many words you can leave as a comment so I've chosen to respond here.
Firstly, to follow this you probably need to be familiar with the video - the link is above.
Now here's his comment:
Hmmm - Some people think that you are damned. I don't think the portrayal of Catholics in this video is any less inflamatory than what Gibson said in a drunken stupor. If this is a joke, it isn't funny and certainly won't create any positive feeling from non-jews, but I don't get the impression that the creator of this video cares about that.
Here's my response:
You’re right, it’s NOT funny at all. As a Jew, it is not I who has to explain centuries of well documented Christian persecution of us because of our refusal to accept Jesus. And if my line is inflammatory because it's difficult to deal with this history - please accept my "sincerest" apologies - I wouldn't want anyone out there to actually have to look in a mirror and take stock of reality. I don’t hate Christians, nor do I hold them personally responsible for the past actions of their religion. Nowhere in my song is this suggested. I am also well aware that there are many different beliefs and paths within Christianity, some of which would not ascribe to the idea that I automatically go to hell for not believing in Jesus. But my song is not specifically about Christians – it’s about anyone who thinks that their way is the ONLY way and that everyone else is doomed. To compare my satirical line to Mel Gibson's tirade is a disingenuous and feeble attempt to avoid taking responsibility for history and cast the blame for Anti-Semitism on the victim.