Tuesday, April 18, 2006

At The End Of The Parking Lot

The hardest part about sitting in a car
and looking at life from a place so far away
is that I am constantly feeling
like everyone's deceiving me

Sometimes I wish I was a tree
so I could take my time
and get to really know and understand
my immediate surroundings
and spread my roots across the yard
lending definition to the boundaries of my world
and by the wind in my leaves
and by the strength in my trunk
pay tribute to the most high
without human complexity

but I'm not so I can't
and I won't pretend
to give in to the message sent
by those who should by right
have given me the light
have given me delight
and stopped the car
in a place
much closer
to life.


  1. on my birthday, april 18th, also the previous Lubovitch Rebbe, may his memory be forever blessed(english birthday that is) you are a visionary, keep growing and being and loving and singing. May you and yours be forever blessed with happiness, health and good fortune.
    michael avraham halevy

  2. Rabbi you hit it on the dot, yet there is one thing about being rooted like the the tree, and this is Are we rooted in the Truth or do we live as nothing matterd no destany to walk forth?
    Peace out, fellow musico Rabbi Shlomo Ben Levi

  3. More postings!!! More Postings!!!

